Monday, December 22, 2008

The best things in life are free!

Gotta love a freebie. Especially a few days out from Christmas when all those government and work bonuses have well and truly left the purse. This one comes from ReadyMade magazine's site. I love this site and just know I would equally love the magazine if I could get my hands on it in Oz. If anyone's heading to California bring me one back please! The mag asked five artists to create posters in the style of the Great Depression poster art. Great Christmas presents to yourself to brighten the house and lift moods.

I am loving this one for the play room in a nice white frame! And the one below will be going in my laundry to help me return to the breath when I'm up to my armpits in grass-stained shorts and paint-splattered dresses.

Download your favourites here.


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