Monday, February 16, 2009

The giving keeps on keeping on

As I tuck my littles into bed each night I feel so blessed to be able to wrap them in their own bedding, stroke their cheeks and watch them snuggle up to their comforters. My heart continues to ache for those lost and those who lost in the Victorian fires.
Tragic events really make us question life.
That's why our response is so important. If no one did anything to help surely the end would be near for the human race. It is a beautiful and faith-restoring thing to see the immense generosity coming from people's hearts and pockets.
Everyone is doing their bit to help.
Of course, the biggest need is for cash, which can be donated through the Red Cross.
Communities everywhere are raising funds and donating what they can.
We had a local trucking company organise a goods "drive". It was an opportunity for my kids to pause and think about the children affected by the fires and it was lovely to see them eagerly put together a stash of their belongings for others. These two little people blew me away with their giving spirits. Our son even emptied the contents of his money box and asked me to send all his coins to the kids.
Handmade Help is a lovely initiative to raise money and provide handmade goods for fire victims. They have lots of ways to get involved — you can donate or buy handmade goods, grow plants, provide recipes for a book — check out their website for all the details. It's a nice way for people who can't physically help out in the area feel "useful" in a time of crisis.


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