Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Extra, extra, read all about it

I really, really love the Internet. So much so that sometimes I think I need to join an addiction group. I know lots of you are with me on this one. And I love magazines a whole bunch too. So when two great loves hook up it can mean only one thing. Bliss. Which for me is a super-sized cup of tea, a slice of (or even a whole) cake, lots of scrolling, clicking, oohing, aahing and a notebook full of new things I really truly want need. Here's the latest screen-reading delights I've been taking a peek in (oh and they all have very nice blogs too):

:: Papier Mache
How perfect is the name? A new Australian online magazine tagged "a very cute children's magazine". And is it what! The photography and styling is gorgeous and I am in love with everything in this magazine, especially Maja's toilet roll wig craft. How adorable.

:: Small Magazine
It runs with the Northern Hemisphere seasons so it's topsy-turvy for Aussies but there's nothing like planning ahead, right? And as we start to layer on our winter woolies it's nice to be able to gaze into summery images and pretend the sun is shining for a bit. The illustrated fashion feature this issue is sweeter than fairy floss and there's a totally cute bird mobile craft from super-talented Australian artist Lisa Tilse of The Red Thread.

:: LMNOP Magazine
Another Australian production, LMNOP is a quarterly that is on-it for kids toys, fashion and lifestyle products. The current issue is a winner devoted to the alphabet. I am totally lusting after the Montessori Reading Boards by Neinhuis. But at around 400 big ones lust-purgatory is where I will remain I'm afraid.


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