Spaced out
In case you have been living under a (moon)rock for the last few days...We played (and ate) it like it was 1969... all day long.
And it's not over yet.
We've been reliving the moon mission with NASA's "live" stream here (a real time recreation of the Apollo 11 mission with all the audio communications and video footage). The site takes a while to load but is well worth the wait.
No doubt we'll be up for the landing at 6am tomorrow morning.
For budding astronauts this is a lot of fun (NASA's kids' site).
Very cute and creative. Love the drawing at the top.
What a fantastic series of activities and I love the cake. It is this type of learning that truly embeds the facts and information into the minds of our children.
Such fun! Love how you ran with the theme like that. Love the cake!!
How cool is that cake!?! You may have a budding astronaut on your hands after such fun.
wow, how much fun did you guys have! I am a huge fan on craft and how great is your cake, clever!
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