Monday, September 21, 2009

Waiter, there's a baby in my table...

A friend was recently telling me how hard it is to achieve quality time with her daughter to complete homework because her nine-month-old always wants to be part of the action. She said there have been torn homework books, tantrums from both children and quite a few tears (mostly from the littles but I think she's about to join the raining eyes party out of sheer frustration). This could be the solution. The Baby in Table I spotted on Inhabitots last week. A nice spot in the table for baby and plenty of room for the little homework doer to set up down the other end. Provide baby with his own homework book to drool on and rip as he likes, set yourself up on a cushion with a cup of tea in hand and everyone will be happy.


SquiggleMum said...

Oh I love that!! Funky and functional. Too bad it's only available in Japan :(

Parenting Premmies said...

That is awesome!! What a brilliant idea!

Christie - Childhood 101 said...

What a fantastic idea.

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