Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas eve making: stockings out of old pillowslips

It's not too late to whip up a quick Christmas stocking for your kids. In previous years we have used stockings that someone gave us but I was never really in love with them so this year I left them in the box when we decorated and just kind of pushed the stocking thing to the back of my mind. Yesterday I couldn't escape the guilt of not having stockings any longer so we decided to make our own out of old pillow slips. It took about an hour and we did it all by hand. They are by no means perfect stocking shapes but they are ours and very manageable for five and three year old helping hands to get involved with. I raided the sewing basket and used old ribbons, some felt (as pockets for a little note to Santa), buttons, and even iron on patches. As you can see the only part of the pillow case I cut was the top front boot shape and re-sewed the edges together. They will be lying on the foot of some pretty excited little people's beds tonight in anticipation of being full of fun things come the morning (note to self: don't panic, of course you have enough gifts to fill the stockings. There will be NO ducking to the shops on Christmas Eve, that's why you get your Christmas shopping done early. You would only waste money on useless plastic crap that would end up as landfill in a couple of weeks. Okay, deep breath...). I can't believe it's Christmas Eve! My excitement levels are nearing the little ones' now (obviously!).


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