Wednesday, August 12, 2009

music monday :: a coconut double

We love exposing our kids to all sorts of music so they can formulate their, ahem, own tastes (even though it hurts my ears sometimes).
Something I've finally got around to doing that I've been meaning to do for years is compile their own playlists on my iPod.
I've split them into the following categories for each of our children: makes me dance, chills me out, sing-along songs.
Their favourite songs are now literally at their fingertips and we can add to them as we please.
Here's a Coconut Records (love Jason Schwartzman) double; one for our daughter's playlist and one for mama's (Chloe Sevigny I think you are totes cool but I don't know about that jumper, sheesh, are the 90's making a comeback already? Please don't make me go there).
What are you listening to this week?


Joni said...

Hi:o) I'm LOVING 'Like It Like That' by Guy Sebastian! It was on the radio when I was driving home from a night our with the girls on Thursday - I couldn't help myself but jig along. I don't even want to think about how eratic my driving must have been! LOVE IT! PS - Awesome blog! Loving that too!

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